Tomando Control de su Salud

Tomando Control de su Salud is a free, self-management education workshop for Spanish-speaking people with a variety of chronic health conditions.  It aims to help participants stay active and engaged in their lives and builds confidence in managing their health.

Below are details about the program. Click the button to find a workshop near you.

What topics are covered ?

  • Nutrition
  • Appropriate Exercise
  • Communicating Effectively With Family, Friends, And Health Care Providers
  • Appropriate Use Of Medications
  • Pain And Fatigue Management
  • Relaxation Skills
  • Dealing With Depression
  • Decision Making
  • Better Breathing
  • Action Planning And Problem Solving
Three men sitting outside talking on their porch

Who can attend ?

Tomando Control de su Salud is for Spanish-speaking adults with ongoing health conditions such as hypertension, arthritis, chronic pain, COPD, congestive heart failure, diabetes, kidney disease and/ or any other condition that affects one’s quality of life. Caregivers / support people are welcome at the workshops and are encouraged to participate as well.

Does the program replace existing programs and treatments ?

The program does not replace any existing programs or treatment. In fact, the classes enhance those provided through accredited programs such as Better Breathers, cardiac rehabilitation, or diabetes instruction.  The program is especially helpful for those managing several chronic conditions as it gives them the skills to coordinate all the thing needed to manage their health. For medical questions, participants are referred to their physicians. If the content of the course conflicts with instructions they receive elsewhere, they are advised to follow their physicians’ orders and discuss discrepancies with the doctor.

What can I expect from this workshop ?

Different subject matters are taught over the course of  6 weekly, 2-1/2 hour sessions all focused to help each participant cope with their chronic disease. Workshops are led by 2 trained leaders, one or both of whom are lay people with chronic health conditions. Leaders are fluent in Spanish and familiar with the needs of Spanish-speaking communities. Topics are similar to the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program but they are presented in ways that are culturally appropriate. Workshops are held in community settings (libraries, community centers, churches, housing units etc) for 10-16 individuals. Spanish textbooks are provided for each participant to use as a resource throughout the workshop. Participants are encouraged to attend all six sessions. Participants enjoy sharing experiences and provide mutual support to each other.

Details of the workshop

Tomando Control de su Salud was developed at Stanford University and is now part of the Self-Management Resource Center.  Although very similar, Tomando is not a direct translation of the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program. Over 500 Spanish-speaking people with heart disease, lung disease or diabetes participated in a randomized , controlled test of the program and were followed for one year.   

Outcomes of Tomando Control de su Salad include improved health status, improved health behavior and improved self confidence in managing health conditions. Results also showed a decrease in emergency room visits.